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Blog    Creative Services and Web Development Outsourcing in the Philippines


Creative Services and Web Development Outsourcing in the Philippines

by Althea Ente • April 7, 2017

An Awkwardly Basic Primer

We can sit here, pontificate, and pretend that:

  • You’ve been living under a rock and are unaware that there exists, in 2016, a US$250 billion-a-year IT and Business Process Outsourcing industry, where India and the Philippines are frontrunners.
  • A 200-FTE creative services outsourcing firm based in Cebu, Philippines would be a credible, unbiased source of the merits of outsourcing to the Philippines, particularly to Cebu (not the capital, Manila), instead of India.
  • It’s your first time to hear overplayed, generic, and citation-lacking themes on how Philippine outsourcing is better than India’s (higher literacy, lower employee attrition, accent-neutral English, Western cultural affinity, customer service-orientation, continuous supply of skilled workforce).

Or we can start respecting your intelligence and recognize that your knowledge and your experience would not be easily swayed by anything other than strongly relatable data specific to your need (graphic design, web development) and your team; or real, personal experiences of people like you being on the ground with a creative and tech team here.

So let’s try this.

Designing or coding for the web? You’re in Marketing. Your creative services department likely reports into Marketing, Communications, Product Development, or a variation thereof.

Philippines: Marketing Services Pioneer. The Philippines is a pioneer in the emerging service segment of Marketing business process services (BPS), comprised of—among others—marketing strategy, content production and management, web development, ecommerce support, and search engine and social media marketing. And, in 2014, like contact centers and healthcare BPS, it’s growing faster than other segments of the Philippine outsourcing industry.

Cebu: Philippines’ Queen City. Offering at least 10 percent lower operating costs than Manila, Cebu is the only other Philippine city in the 2015 Top 10 Outsourcing Destinations (No. 8).

If that wasn’t awkward enough, here’s an infographic from RipeConcepts to prime you on the basics of why Philippine, Cebu-based creative services and web development outsourcing would be a winning hand.

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