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Blog    All in AVR: How 3D Modeling Is Used Today


All in AVR: How 3D Modeling Is Used Today

by Khristal Asoque • July 8, 2022

How 3D Modeling Is Used Today


Technology has come so far from simple animations and illustrations to virtual reality and AVR. By definition, Augmented Virtual Reality is a technologically augmented version of the real world. Moreover, it is created by the use of digital visual elements, music, or other sensory stimulation. 

In line with AVR, 3D modeling is the evolution of 2D drawing that is more than meets the eye. This technology allows a three-dimensional representation of anything by manipulating polygons, edges, and vertices in a simulated three-dimensional space. 3D modeling can be done through specialized production software. Also, this is wherein a 3D modeler or production artist lets out creative material through creating or deforming surfaces or data points to achieve an object digitally.

There are endless possibilities when it comes to 3D modeling. It supports design conceptualization and enables more access to more revisions in achieving top-notch results.

Here are some of the few uses of 3D modeling in different industries today:


For architecture, 3D modeling provides editable, various types of modeling in a project. To produce interactive visualizations of structures and buildings, architects use 3D objects. In a typical situation, 3D CAD (computer-aided design) modeling is used to generate architectural elements before they are built in real life.


3D modeling brings models from their conceptualization to completion. One great thing is that product designers can identify and rectify issues even during pre-production. This is greatly beneficial to interior designers and their life-like models of a home with all the furniture, wall paints, designs, show pieces, ceilings, and so on.


3D modeling is also frequently used in movies, TV shows, and commercials. Through the use of CGI (Computer-Generated Imagery), designers are able to create realistic characters, environments, and objects in the film industry. A few sample movies are Gravity (2011) and the all-time favorite, Avatar (2009).


It is common in game development to use 3D components to make them feel more realistic. 3D modeling helps with making the game design compelling and realistic. Furthermore, game developers can visualize the game setting more through 3D modeling.

Although this technology can be considered young, it has been around for quite some time. It flourished as early as the 1960s. Truly, various kinds of industries are transitioning to automation and making their way to the metaverse. Here are some reasons for how advantageous 3D modeling is:

Realistic Visualization

3D modeling allows effective visualization of a project compared to a 2D model. Besides that, it gives a better feel of the overall layout and where things go.

Quick and Easy Access

This allows the constant updating of designs with ease. Moreover, it can improve the designs in an efficient manner without a huge loss of resources as well as time. Minor flaws or areas of improvement can be fixed without the need for prototyping. A producer has immediate access to the file and makes a change or two directly to the final product.

Refine Design Elements

Even the most complex of designs are made a little less complicated with this innovative tool. Furthermore, this provides more accurate dimensions for the project. 

Endless Design Concepts

Creativity runs free using this tool. Designers and architects can easily visualize their ideas through 3D modeling. There are no limits, and product designers can freely discover new designs and apply them to post-production.

A lot of industries have now joined the bandwagon to get in touch with the metaverse. As digital chameleons who are up to date with current trends, we can be your guide to 3D modeling.

Ready to conquer another dimension? Contact us at connect@ripeconcepts.com. 🍊


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