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Blog    Multiple exposures


Multiple exposures

by RC Blog • March 10, 2017

In photography, a multiple exposure is created when two or more exposures are superimposed to create a final image. Use of multiple exposures has been a big trend for a couple of years, and it’s now influencing the world of illustration too. For illustrators, there’s no need for technical knowhow, just a good eye and a little creativity to replicate the effect.


Depth and Drama

Jon Cockley is a co-founder of Handsome Frank, a London-based illustration agency. “Over the past two to three years, there was a real hunger for a kind of clean vector artwork,” says Cockley. “Now we are seeing a move away from those clean lines and more interest in texture, depth, and use of light and shadow. Clients often use ‘vector’ as a byword for an illustration style, not a file format.”

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Motion and Animation

Educators have to understand which skills will make their graduates successful when they leave school. Rick Lovell, illustration chair at SCAD, didn’t hesitate when asked what’s most important now: “Motion is number one. If today’s young illustrators don’t know how to make their work move, they are doomed,” he says. “Not necessarily full-featured animation, but a solid understanding of what an animation studio needs regarding an asset for animation. SCAD redesigned its illustration curriculum to address this need.”

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