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Blog    RipeConcepts Summer Break 2018: Carnival Under the Sun


RipeConcepts Summer Break 2018: Carnival Under the Sun

by Althea Ente • July 25, 2018

By: Lisha Marie Quinicot

Living up to this year’s theme, “Carnival Under the Sun”, the RipeConcepts summer break at Solea Mactan Cebu Resort last June 16th was a day of revelry and boisterous festivity. Everyone was buzzing with excitement as they set foot in the resort.

The day started off with a bang with the jaunty John D., who broke the ice as the master of ceremonies. We were all ears when Owen Chan, Stacey Dobkins, and Ryan Navarro gave their warm greetings that formally opened the event. Wearing exuberant smiles, people gathered on the coast and soaked up the sunlight for our annual company group photo. As we were squashed in like sardines, it was plain to see that our RipeConcepts family is growing faster and bigger each year.

The event was in full swing as ten color-coded teams were formed by teaming up employees between departments. The hype could only mean one thing: the team building games were about to begin! The program was organized by 2XPLORE Outdoor Classroom, led by Sir Abrea and his team of facilitators. They start the ball rolling with a game of ‘Guess the Song by the Lyrics’ that brought out the music fans and songbirds within each of us. As we made it past the first round, all members scampered around the field to play the next set of games.

Throughout the obstacle course, teams were met with challenging initiatives and problem-solving activities, paralleled with insightful learning experiences. The team-building exercises created new opportunities to engage, expand our social circle, build camaraderie, improve teamwork, and boost morale among ourselves. We all had such a great time and tons of fun that the growling and rumbling noises of our hungry tummies almost went unnoticed. Fortunately, we were rewarded with a satisfying lunch buffet afterwards.

We spent the rest of the afternoon in our free time, taking a break from our daily grind as we got to relax and unwind. Some of us went for a swim in the pool, toured the vicinity of the resort, stood in line for the carnival food stalls and booths, engaged in conversation with colleagues over a few drinks, went recreational sea kayaking, and took fun photos and videos for their Best Photo/Video Contest entry.

A few were selected to partake in the #RipeLife video during the summer outing. We shared our views on working in a cool office space, positive work environment, turning work relationships into real friendships, team accomplishments, travel opportunities, global talent, and even finding love and romance in the workplace. Here’s what we had to say:

Just before the golden hour, all the teams carried on to compete for the best extemporaneous cheer and chant. This challenge had us all brazened yet resourceful as we performed onstage in hopes to win the championship. As the clock struck seven, dinner was served with tasteful music in the background to set the mood. An after-dinner awards ceremony was held to recognize the victors and valuable team players of the RC Basketball Summer League, as well as to announce the winners of the team building activities.

The Yellow Team was declared as the overall champion of the competitive team building games, followed by the Red Team and Purple Team as first and second runners-up respectively, while the best cheer award goes to the Light Pink Team. While the night was still young, the guest band took the stage to perform songs and tunes that had many of us hit the dance floor.

The Carnival Under the Sun was, indeed, an event to be remembered. Needless to say, we had the most fun under the sun during this year’s summer outing and we’ve got ridiculous sunburns and tan lines to prove it.

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