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Blog    Shoot Some Hoops with the RC Basketball Club


Shoot Some Hoops with the RC Basketball Club

by Althea Ente • May 22, 2018

The spirit of camaraderie is strong within RipeConcepts, especially when it calls for a hoop and a basketball. Just in case you didn’t know, RC has its very own Basketball Club where our own digital chameleons come together every week for a healthy dose of athletic competition.

The Basketball Club consists of four teams: Team Airnest (Design Associates), Team PA (Production Associates), Team Emal and Team Bae (Insular Bldg. residents). They meet every Thursday from 8:30 PM to 10:30 PM at the Sacred Heart Center Sports Club.

“We organized this club for the purpose of providing a healthy recreational program to all RC employees who are interested in basketball,” club president and IT Specialist Alwin Dapdap stated. “We teach fundamental basketball skills and techniques while providing fun, enjoyment, and competition with responsible leadership.”

The club has had two seasons under their belt, with the Christmas League last year being their first. This year marks the 2nd season of their RC Basketball League. Their last elimination game of the season happened last May 17.

Alwin further states, “Good sportsmanship is emphasized on all conditions. We strive to build strong minds and bodies through good, clean fun, with sportsmanship and vigorous exercise. We teach them the importance of teamwork and trust.”

Join the team or drop by one of their games to give them a loud cheer!





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