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Top 8 Jobs Outsourced in 2021

by Denmark • March 22, 2021

As virtual or cloud operations remain the standard today, the outsourcing industry has also continuously grown its presence in modern and traditional businesses. In fact, in the United States alone, 68% of the businesses outsourced pre-pandemic. And while there may still be companies that are hesitant in outsourcing their working force, most of these companies were compelled to consider outsourcing to continue operations while cutting costs.

In case you’re one of those that are still testing out the waters or those that are slowly easing to fully outsourcing, here are the eight top jobs outsourced in 2021:


 1. Lead generation

Lead generation can be a tedious job, hence outsourcing can reduce ramp time and level up your lead generation efficiency since the processes of prospecting, identifying, and setting up meetings are being done by other than your internal teams, who can then focus on achieving growth goals within the company. 

Outsourcing lead generation is a cost-efficient way to score more leads for your business while freeing up your work tray so you can focus on in-house tasks. This is done as outsourcing agencies are specially formed with a dedicated team and optimized systems that are fine-tuned to get you hot leads for your business.

 2. Social media management

With more than 3.48 billion social media users worldwide in 2020 alone, social media is, in no doubt, a huge marketing tool and opportunity for businesses. With this grand power, why would you want to outsource it? For one, it gives you access to social media experts who are trained and skilled to maximize every social media platform your business is in. And because outsourcing is relatively cheap compared to hiring locally, you’re also saving business money while getting the best resource for the job.

 3. Marketing

Although multitasking seems to be a good idea in keeping up with the fast-paced economy, the fact is that each resource proves to be more effective when focused on one task at a time. And while a new project or campaign is usually a positive sign, this does interrupt the flow in the business especially when your workforce is already maxed out.

Outsourcing marketing targets these two scenarios by passing on the extra work to experts outside the company, letting your team focus on their focal tasks and exercise their strengths, while an outsourced team of experts takes care in moving your company upward and forward. This setup makes sure all task expectations are met with less or no delays at all.

 4. Data entry

As a company grows, the volume of data its employees has to deal with also increases. And to keep the business in its top-notch shape, having error-free data is crucial. But the matter is, this task can be time-consuming and would require data entry experts to do it. So to get the work done without spending so much money, outsourcing can be the best option for you.

The reason why outsourcing data entry is superb is, it’s cost-effective - you won’t have to spend for training as you’re already hiring data entry experts, and hiring from developing countries for the same job and output is more or less half the rate when hiring locally or in-house.

 5. Virtual assistant

As a company grows and expands, tasks pile up and time seems to run out. A smart solution to this is by hiring an assistant as they increase productivity by lightening the load, affording you more time to attend to functions that demand your expertise.

However, because they can be expensive, they’re not usually on the priority list when considering who to hire. But by outsourcing an assistant, or virtual assistant, you don’t only increase productivity but also streamline and lower business costs, as they’re comparatively cheaper than hiring someone in-house. It has been estimated that a company saves up to 78% in annual operating costs when hiring a virtual assistant over a full-time employee.

 6. Call center/customer service

The most in-demand service in the Philippines is the customer service/call center, which makes perfect sense because it costs a company between $22 and $35 an hour for every call center employee in the US or Canada while it only costs them between $8 to $14 an hour an employee when outsourcing in the Philippines, saving them more than half their original operation cost.

Another reason why the Philippines is a favorite outsourcing destination for call centers is that Filipinos are already English speakers and are flexible in mimicking accents when needed, which also cuts tremendous training, and are also very open to graveyard shifts to adjust to their mother company’s operational hours.

 7. Writing

You’ve probably heard it before, but we’ll say it again: content is king. But because it doesn’t normally strike as something urgent to do, writing and content marketing usually keep getting placed on the back burner. And when it’s needed to be dealt with, it’s proven to be time-consuming and could push back other main tasks instead.

Outsourcing writing tasks is a speedy way to get the job done in time and without missing a beat on the other tasks. And outsourcing a highly-skilled writer can save you up to more than a fraction of the usual rate but get you the same spectacular results. 

Another advantage of outsourcing writing is that turnaround time (and especially during back-and-forth revisions, would seem much quicker due to the time difference present between the employer and resource.

 8. Web development

Today, a website now seems to be an SOP for every business, but with everything handled at once, the website production might be spreading your team or your budget too thin. This is where outsourcing comes to play. By outsourcing web development, you get to connect with web development subject-matter experts who are up-to-date with the latest trends, keeping your website fresh and relevant, just like our website, mindfully created and maintained by our highly skilled and experienced web developers from our pool of web dev experts who are ready to take on any web development needs you to have.

Another reason web development is a top outsource job is it gives you a dedicated team in terms of website maintenance and upkeep. When your website crashes, your outsourced web development resource or team is quick to attend to the matter. And since they’re already familiar with your website, it makes it easier for them to fix the problem, shortening downtime for your website. 

Outsourcing can serve different purposes for every business. For some, it’s to lessen operational costs.  For others, it’s to free up the workload to accommodate more projects and clients. And there are those who want to play smart and get the best of both worlds (save and make space) while also ensuring that tasks are passed on to experts that know their fields like the back of their hands. Truth be told, it can be risky, but it can also be worth it, especially if you’re hooked with the best and most trusted organization in the industry. Have a go at it; talk to us at connect@ripeconcepts.com and perhaps we can collaborate.

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