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2021 Design Trends Report | RipeTrends

by Althea Ente • January 12, 2021

2021's Design Trends are here... and it's the much-needed safe space from a tumultuous year.

2021 Design Trends Graphic and Branding Trends 1. 3D rendered images 2. Less is more 3. Simple geometry 4. Mimicking nature Illustration Trends 1. Voxel art design 2. Custom cartoons Color Trends 1. Ultimate Gray and Illuminating

Graphic and Branding Trends

3D rendered images

3D models continue to deliver on elevating customer experience so we're going to take a gamble and say that we will be seeing this type of imagery for years to come. The visual impact of 3D continues to expand due to further advancements in AR software capabilities, producing compelling customer experiences and engagement and making it a favorite amongst marketers and designers.


[video width="1600" height="1200" mp4="https://ripeconcepts.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Dribbble-2\_2.mp4"\]\[/video\]


Less is more

Stash away the bold and hyper-saturated images for now. This is the year of stripping back by keeping palettes and layouts muted and simple. We will be seeing a multitude of brands embrace monotones or even the lack of color thereof this year. 



Simple geometry

Artistry takes form from basic shapes this year and it is neither flat, boring, nor subdued. The hard-edged look of a geometric design could be softened by a muted color palette or accentuated by bolder, poppy colors.



Mimicking nature

Yearning for the outdoors is this year’s biggest trends — and unsurprisingly so. As a side effect of being cooped up indoors for months on end, we see a major commercial push for soft and earthy tones and illustrations of nature.



Illustration Trends

Voxel art design

A voxel is “basically the 2D version of a 2D cube”, a style that reminds us of Minecraft and Lego. It is childish and retro yet highly-visual and modern. It is reminiscent of happier, simpler times — emerging almost as if a coping strategy after an arduous year.



Custom cartoons

Always playful, memorable, and this time highly-customized to stay on point with brand personality and message. Fresh applications fused with multi-technique keep current cartoon formats engaging and relevant to the widest target audience.



Color Trends

Ultimate Gray and Illuminating

There’s not one but two hues for Color(s) of the Year - Ultimate Gray and Illuminating. For the second time in 22 years, Pantone has chosen the two colors as independent but complementary, embodying a message of mutual support. 



“A marriage of color conveying a message of strength and hopefulness that is both enduring and uplifting.” - Pantone


Illuminating is bright, cheery, and vivacious, while Ultimate Gray is firm, dependable, and enduring. The marriage of the two creates a solemn yet playful atmosphere, a relief from the chaos and challenges of the preceding year.


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